Hi there! I’m Rubén and I’m from Alcalá de Henares, in Spain.
I’m a tech enthusiast, I love hardware mounting, networking, programming… I’m currently working as a Fullstack Developer.
I’ve been playing arround with Raspberry since the Pi 2 model B was released, without almost no knowledge, making my first steps.
Made a two years grade about networking and operating systems administration. There I learnt the basics, and did a bit of programming, enough to start thinking about learning how to code.
When I finished my first grade, I went straight to a proggraming one, another two years. From C, C#, Java, to JS and DB Administration, I touched a bit of everything, and after the first year I started working on a company.
While all off that, I learnt a lot about PC Building and hardware by myself. I built PCs for friends, family and third parties, with a lot of budgets (from 600€ to more than 3000€). Also built my own home lab, with a NAS, a Prosmox server, with also networking and surveillance solutions.
I love learning new things, and I think it shows up!
My Work
My professional networks are the ones below (and also this web blog):
You can also check my CV here:
And an extended version, detailing my personal projects, like this web and the Home Lab: