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Install MariaDB on Ubuntu Linux

MariaDB is a Open Source fork from one of the most used relational databases, MySQL, and, if we want to host it to our production projects, or on a more static way, we will need to do it on a server, using bare metal, VMs, or LXC containers. In this post we will cover how to install and configure MariaDB in Linux, in this case, using Ubuntu server on an LXC container over Proxmox.


These are the needed requisites to continue with this tutorial:

  • A server with Ubuntu installed. If you don’t have one, and you have a Raspberry Pi, you can follow this guide!.
  • SSH or direct connection to that server.
  • Have some DB Admin GUI/CLI, I use DBeaver.


MariaDB is packaged from an external APT repo, so first of all, we will need to install some utilities to be able to download the keys to use that external repo:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl

To store the keys, we will create a directory under `/etc/apt/` named keyrings:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings

Now, time to download MariaDB’s repo keyring, using the following command:

sudo curl -o /etc/apt/keyrings/mariadb-keyring.pgp ''

To be able to install packages from the external repo, we need to add some configuration. To proceed, we need to create a file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d named mariadb.sources. Let’s create and edit it:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.sources

Add the following content to the file:

# MariaDB 11.1 repository list - created 2023-09-05 09:55 UTC
X-Repolib-Name: MariaDB
Types: deb
# is a dynamic mirror if your preferred mirror goes offline. See for details.
# URIs:
Suites: kinetic
Components: main main/debug
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/mariadb-keyring.pgp

The file should look as follows:

Screenshot of the content of the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.sources.
mariadb.sources configuration file content

Save by pressing ctrl + o and exit with ctrl + x. With all these steps done, we are now able to update our APT and download MariaDB. Let’s update first our APT:

sudo apt update

Once updated APT, mariadb-server package shoudl be available by:

sudo apt install -y mariadb-server

As many others database engines, MariaDB does not accept remote connectios. We will create an example database, with a user, and then enable remote connections and test it with DBeaver.

Creating a database and a user

To be able to create everything we need inside MariaDB, we first need to connect to MariaDB CLI. We will use sudo command to log in with admin privileges:

sudo mariadb -u root

Now that we have the console, we will create our database. Remember to substitute the values with the ones you want:

create database <database_name>;

Once created the database, we will create a user that is allowed to connect from any host, with its password. As before, remember to change the values to the ones you want:

create user '<user_name>'@'%' identified by '<user_password>';

When we create a user, by default, it does not have any privileges over the different objects of the database server. We can grain all the privileges over different objects, in the case of a DB, we have this main ones:

  • ALL: Gives all privileges over the database.
  • ALTER: Gives privileges to modify tables, sequences, triggers…
  • CREATE: Gives privileges to create tables, sequences, triggers…
  • DROP: Gives privielges to drop tables, sequences, triggers…
  • DELETE: Gives privileges to delete tables, sequences, triggers…
  • INSERT: Guives privileges to insert new data on tables.
  • UPDATE: Give privileges to update existing data on tables.
  • SELECT: Gives privileges to obtain data from tables, view sequences, triggers…
Refer to MariaDB official documentation for more about privileges and granting.

But for this case, where we just want a user able to administrate a database, we will gran all privileges over that DB we created. Substitute to your needed values:

grant all privileges on <database_name>.* to '<user_name>'@'%';

With all of this steps, we now have a database created inside our MariaDB server, a user who can access it, and we know how to log into MariaDB CLI.

Enabling remote access

Next step is to enable remote access on the MariaDB server, allowing to bind all IP’s, or just the ones we need. Let’s edit the following file:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

Lets find the following lines:

# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
bind-address            =

And change the bind ip to to be able to connect from any IP. For security reasons, you should bind this to just the IPs or IP range you will connect, but for this exaple I will use that

# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
bind-address            =

Should look as follows:

Screenshot of the lines mentioned from the file /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf containing the bind-address property.
50-server.cnf file bind-address property

Save by pressing ctrl + o and exit with ctrl + x. As the last step, let’s restart MariaDB server service using this command:

sudo service mariadb restart

With this, MariaDB service should be up and tunning, and accepting remote connections. Le’ts check the service by:

sudo service mariadb status

And the output should tell us that the service is active (running):

Screenshot of the output from the command "sudo service mariadb status".
sudo service mariadb status command output

Check the connection

Open your DB Admin GUI of your preference. I use DBeaver as mentioned in the requisites section. Once opened, click on “New connection” on the top left:

Screenshot of DBeaver software asking for a new connection, where MariaDB is the selected type.
DBeaver – New Connection

Select MariaDB and click on “Next >” to go to Posgres’ connection configuration.

Screenshot of DBeaver software asking for MariaDB connection data.
DBeaver – MariaDB – Connection Data

Fill it with your host URL, database, connection user and password, and now click on “Test Connection …“.

Screenshot of DBeaver software telling us that the test connection went OK.
DBeaver – MariaDB – Connection Test

Now we checked that the database is created an listening to connections! Clikc on finish and then you will be able to play around with your new MariaDB server database.


What we have learned so far:

  • Installing MariaDB on ubuntu.
  • Connecting to MariaDB console.
  • Creating a database and a user.
  • Granting privileges.
  • Allowing remote connections to our server.
  • Testing that connection with a DB Admin CLI like DBeaver.

Hope it was simple and helpful! Feel free to ask any questions or commenting in this post!

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