All post related with Ubuntu OS.
MariaDB is a Open Source fork from one of the most used relational databases, MySQL, and, if we want to host it to our production projects, or on a more static way, we will need to do it on a server, using bare metal, VMs, or LXC containers. In this…
ZSH is another shell interpreter, like Bash, but from Mac. I always prefered it because it's tab improved functionallity, better customization, and GIT integration. In this post, I will cover all the needed steps to install and configure ZSH, and aslo aply some interesting themes. All of this is possible thanks to an opensource project called OhMyZsh.
PostgreSQL is one of the most used relational databases nowadays, and, if we want to host it to our production projects, or on a more static way, we will need to do it on a server, using bare metal, VMs, or LXC containers. In this post we will cover how to install and configure PostgreSQL in Linux, in this case, using Ubuntu server on an LXC container over Proxmox.
Yes, I've installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on an old Surface Laptop 1. Took time to properly do it, but once I've done it, it's quite easy, so I thougth I should explain it, so others could have the easy way.
Roundcube is a Webmail appliance, to simplify the use of mail servers. Is free and open source. This guide will cover all the needed steps to install and configure your own Roundcube instance for your needs.
I've been programing an API for content creators (which you can find on github), that extracts some usefull information from diverse APIs (like Twitch, RIOT, etc...). This API is programed with JavaScript, and running on a NodeJS server. I wanted to host it by myself, so I've decided to run throught all the steps, software and tools I've used to achieve it.
Guide about how to update the PHP version to 7.4, so Wordpress won't show the warning message.
A reverse proxy is a service that stays between your router/firewall and your clients. Its a way to concentrate all the clients requests through one server, avoiding opening multiple ports at the firewall or router. It also has balancing capabilities.
Heimdall is a web application that allow us to create and customize our app dashboard, having links to the different web apps that we host on our home lab.
When you have lots of different services running in your servers, could be a little messy to have all of them grouped in different markers on your web browser. To solve that, there are several web applications that acts as a dashboard to all of that services. Homer is one…